Sunday, September 4, 2011

Under the Sustainability Tent

The weekend after Labor Day, Ruby-throated Hummingbirds migrating south aren’t the only ones drawn to Strawberry Plains Audubon Center in Northeast Mississippi nearest Memphis.  Last year, 9000 visitors attended the annual festival during the height of migration to see, and sometimes touch, the small wonders, and, enjoy three-days of programming led by nationally recognized authors and specialists.

Near the center of the festival grounds, one tent looks a little different.  The Low Impact Living Tent (or Sustainability Tent on the festival map) includes a large round table that looks like one you might find in your grandmother’s kitchen along with self-guided displays and lists of regional resources.  Topic leaders talk with participants on a one-to-one basis about subjects ranging from Lasagna Gardening to native plants in urban landscapes. That's Dr. Heineke talking about the steps in establishing your Lasagna Garden during the 2010 Hummingbird Migration & Nature Festival.

It’s my pleasure to host the tent for the third year beginning this Friday, September 9th through Sunday, September 11th.  Now that is up and running, I hope to provide updates on our:
        Focus on Pets
        Focus on Home, and
        DIY Focus

Once again, we welcome Dr. Tom Heineke,  botanist, who will share his experience with Lasagna Gardening.  Kristin Lamberson, interpretive gardener at Strawberry Plains Audubon Center will provide great tips on incorporating native plants in urban landscapes. Chelius Carter and Jennifer Eggleston, president and board member of, respectively, of Preserve Marshall County and Holly Springs, will share the basics of sustaining historic structures and sites. We’ll introduce you to MyLittleBuddy Pet Shampoo and bring new meaning to mixology by putting together DIY cleaning products in addition to other activities. We always have surprise guests so check by the tent for updates.

The tent schedule follows.  Feel free to send along your questions in advance for the the round table discussion you’re interested in and look for your answer in the daily blog post.

Speaker led discussions:

Friday (Focus on pets)

10 a.m.            Incorporating pets in lower impact lifestyle
Noon               Native plants in urban yards including pet-friendly designs
2 p.m.              Safe, clean homes for pets and family

Saturday (Focus on home)
10 a.m.            Are you a Localvore? Resources for locally produced food
11 a.m.            Lasagna Gardening
1 p.m.              How Low Can you Go? Reducing Waste to Landfill
3 p.m.              ABCs of historic home and site preservation

Sunday (DIY focus)

9 a.m.              Make your own cleaning products
10 a.m.            Calculating, managing your carbon footprint
11 a.m.            Online resources for low impact living

Materials shared by speakers will be posted on

SPECIAL NOTE: Congratulations to Gaining Ground Sustainability Institute of Mississippi for their new online resource directory.

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